Abhorrence Emojis & Text

Copy & Paste Abhorrence Emojis & Symbols 🤢🤮😠😖😣😩😨😝😳😬😱😵 | (¬_¬") | I FUCKING HATE

pls note the ai inflicts emotional damage (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
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Hello, lovelies! So- SHUT UP! JEEZ, really, it seems like you all are fighting on some random emoji website for the fun of it! We just want emojis :(𓆩♡𓆪
Hello, lovelies! So- SHUT UP! JEEZ, really, it seems like you all are fighting on some random emoji website for the fun of it! We just want emojis :(𓆩♡𓆪𓆩♡𓆪
Hello, lovelies! So- SHUT UP! JEEZ, really, it seems like you all are fighting on some random emoji website for the fun of it! We just want emojis :(

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🤢🤮 throw up, green, disgusting 🤮🤢
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⣶⡶⠶⣶⣤⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣶⢲⣧⠀⠀⠀⢠⣸⣿⡛⠃⠀⠈⠘⠛⠁⠀⠛⠿⡶⣶⣄⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠰⣿⣼⡷⠀⢀⣴⣼⣿⢿⣷⣥⠄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⣞⠻⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣤⣿⠀⠀⢀⣴⡆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣿⣿⡍⠻⠿⠟⠍⠿⢷⣄⠀⠀⢰⣤⡿⠾⠿⠷⢿⣧⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀⠀⣼⣏⠉⠀⢻⡿⠾⣶⡀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⢿⡟⠃⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⠼⣿⢣⣤⣼⡇⠃⠀⠀⠀⠘⣿⢻⣧⡄⠀⠀⢸⡿⠃⠀⢸⣿⠇⠀⠀⠀⢠⣼⣿⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣴⢿⣞⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠋⡠⣿⢠⣿⠹⠗⠀⠀⠀⠀⠠⣿⡀⣽⣦⡀⠀⣻⣇⠀⠀⣷⣿⠀⠀⣠⣶⣾⠟⠉⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢛⣿⣇⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣻⡟⠊⢛⣷⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⡟⡣⣴⠛⠃⠀⣶⡀⢀⣈⡛⠁⠀⢨⠿⠓⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢻⣧⢦⣀⣀⣠⣤⠿⠛⠀⠀⣶⣙⣻⣧⣦⣀⣰⣾⣗⣾⠟⠁⠀⠀⠁⠀⠘⠛⠃⠀⠾⠿⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢻⣿⣍⣋⣏⣃⣲⣦⣤⣤⣭⣿⣷⣆⣍⣿⣿⣏⡉⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢭⣷⡿⠏⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠹⢿⣏⠓⣸⣶⣲⡗⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⣼⡏⠀⠀⠀⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣻⠁⠀⠛⠛⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢐⣿⣛⢀⣐⣲⡶⡟⠛⠛⣿⡄⠀⢀⣺⡟⠃⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⣨⣽⡟⠛⠛⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠛⣦⣿⡟⠛⠛⢻⣷⣤⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣴⣴⠻⠏⠂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⠻⣷⣤⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⢀⠀⢀⠀⢀⣠⣾⡿⠛⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⠿⣷⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⢀⣤⣾⠾⠾⠿⠿⣶⣿⡿⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣶⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⠋⠛⠛⠛⠛⢻⣷⠆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⣾⣿⡟⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢨⣿⢢⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢰⡿⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢨⣿⠾⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⢸⣷⣄⣀⠀⠀⢀⣠⣿⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠚⣧⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡇⠀⢀⣤⣾⠓⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠈⠉⠻⠶⠶⠟⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠠⣿⠄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣽⠄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠻⣷⣶⡶⠿⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢹⡇⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢾⡁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣻⠄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⢀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣽⠊⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ )ノ• *₊°。(˶‾᷄ ⁻.‾᷅˵)ᵉʷ
uwu༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽
The cat is sad coz it’s not getting likes      />  フ      |  _  _ l      /` ミ_xノ      /      |     /  ヽ   ノ     │  | | | follow @cosmic-candy on scratch! https://scratch.mit.edu/users/cosmic-candy/
Thanks to everyone who said hi to me on scratch, very nice of you! - Fritzi (Lxve-Story ᵍᵃˢᵖ! f͎o͎l͎l͎o͎w͎ ͎m͎e͎ ͎o͎n͎ ͎s͎c͎r͎a͎t͎c͎h͎)₊˚⊹♡ ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
Poof! You have magically arrived to my profile! don’t leave yet though! ⸝⸝➛⊹ ᶠʳⁱᵗᶻⁱ♡·.✧ ♡⊹.* aes weirdo /★ ᶻz livie and swiftie ⋆。˚ ⊹ ⁿᵉˣᵗ ᵖʳᵒʲ. 0% ࿓ I'm Lxve-Story on scratch.mit.edu, following would help!!
🟨⬛ hello! 🟨⬛ G.L. here. 🟨⬛ im bored, so if you could please 🟨⬛ follow me on scratch coding that would be nice of you. 🟨⬛ my username is: josgio6600. 🟨⬛ I do little games and animations. 🟨⬛ I also make profile pictures (I'm taking requests rn) 🟨⬛ Thanks again for your time! 🟨⬛ (At times if i feel like it I will be open to RP) 🟨⬛ See you later! -G.L.-
꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ・─ ・┈ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ・─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ・─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ・─・┈ ꒱꒱ 🎬✰ 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨! ☻ ⸝⸝ ꒰ Enter text here 🍓 ⁞ ˎˊ˗ ︶꒷꒦︶ Heya peeps! ★ Enter text here ╰┈➤ Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah ᵉⁿᵗᵉʳ ૧ᵘᵉˢᵗⁱᵒⁿ ʰᵉʳᵉ? ( • ᴖ • 。)❓ 🌷🎀 Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah🌷🎀 ✦ Enter more text here enter more text here Ah! Enter even more text here! Ahahaha 🥯 ・Subpoint one✏️ Enter text here ʚɞ ・Subpoint two 🍟 (wait, what?) more text here, too! 🎬✰ 𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞™ ☻ ꒰ ୨୧ ─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ・─ ・┈ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ・─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ・─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ・─・┈ ꒱꒱
ᴬᵉˢᵗʰᵉᵗⁱᶜ ᵇⁱᵒ ᵗᵉᵐᵖˡᵃᵗᵉ! ______________________ ‣𖤐⊹⸝⸝ [username] ⋆。˚ ╰┈➤ [age]୧✧꣼ ⋆ ⸝⸝ [prnouns] ♡❀ ❝[Other details]❞+:。.。☁︎ ✎ᵇʸᵉᵉ!!!✧·. ᶠᵒˡˡᵒʷ ᴸˣᵛᵉ⁻ˢᵗᵒʳʸ ᶠᵒʳ ᵐᵒʳᵉ!! ⁽ˢᶜʳᵃᵗᶜʰ⁾
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╭ you’re invited to ena’s b̲i̲r̲t̲h̲d̲a̲y̲ party ! ╮⸝⸝ https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/34960535 ⌝ where there’ll be gifts, activities, prizes and more ! so, pop over and see if you’d like to show up on april 15th ! .𖥔 ݁ ˖
Image of ant walking away, holding a sack tied to a stick over its back. The ant appears sorrowful and dejected, as if all the joy had been sucked out of it's day. It's antennae are lowered, presumably from the intense sadness it feels. ⠀
♡⊹.* @cherrybxnny ┆★ ˙ᵕ˙      she/her !? ᰔ 12+ ᰔ gemini       ╰┈➤ set maker / / ♡
what the heck is going on- (also start day tags) may 7th 2024 !! 🪷˚˖𓍢ִ໋🦢 ˚° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .⊹₊ ⋆♡ ̆̈ 𓇢𓆸
to the person who reposted my bio, and didn't give any credits, I want to tell you that is considered STEALING. so, please, I would be glad if you don't do it again. Thank you :D Adding it here: ⸝⸝➛⊹ Name ⁱ♡·.✧ ♡⊹.* Age ★ ᶻz pronouns ⋆。˚ ⊹ ⁿᵉˣᵗ ᵖʳᵒʲ. -% ࿓ original: Poof! You have magically arrived to my profile! don’t leave yet though! ⸝⸝➛⊹ ᶠʳⁱᵗᶻⁱ♡·.✧ ♡⊹.* aes weirdo /★ ᶻz livie and swiftie ⋆。˚ ⊹ ⁿᵉˣᵗ ᵖʳᵒʲ. 0% ࿓ I'm Lxve-Story on scratch.mit.edu, following would help!! -Lxve-Story
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Disgusting 😟

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^__^☼ | UωU | ╒ |___|—┘Ü ] ʼN ∩ ∩ n‌̧ Ý çΑ α ṱ PapyrusFool made this. https://scratch.mit.edu/users/PapyrusFool/ 😺
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